Friday, September 23, 2016

String Utility Actions in SPD 2013

Hi Folks,

I'll share my experience how I used different string utility action to implement the requirement.

1. Split the string in date/time field to get the date part

Start Date: 9/22/2016 5:00:00 AM

Here the date/time value is 9/22/2016 5:00:00 AM and I need to get the date part i.e. 9/22/2016. Check the below steps.

Step1: From the string I need to find a character which splits date and time. I could see a space splits it. I used the action "Find Substring in string" and made it to look for space.

Step2:  I used the action "Extract Substring from the start of string" to extract the date part.

The date part got stored in the variable named as "substring1".

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