Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Archive documents from site using PowerShell

Hi All,

Recently, I worked on a PowerShell script to archive documents from multiple document libraries to local machine. It was a SharePoint 2010 site and links for all the documents are stored in a CSV file. There were about 9K files. The script worked well but it has some limitations. Within the link, any folder name/file name can't have commas (,) otherwise it won't create a structure in local machine. All the documents will be archived in local machine within the folder structure being created from the URL.

Here's the script below.

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell

$Files = Import-Csv "C:\Microsoft PowerShell\GDWFilesTask\GDW Files task\LessFiles.txt"

$TargetPath = "E:\GDW Files"

$wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$wc.UseDefaultCredentials = $true

ForEach ($File in $Files){ 
  $FPath = $($File.Path)

  $FolPath = $FPath

  $String = $FolPath.ToString()

  $String -replace ',',' '

  [System.Collections.ArrayList]$ArrayList = $String.split("/")
  $ArrayList[0] = $TargetPath;
  $ArrayList[2] = "GDW"
  $ArrayList = $ArrayList -notlike "*.*"

  $b = ($ArrayList -join "\")

  New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $b  

  $FileName = Split-Path $FPath -leaf  

  $output = $b +"\"+ $FileName

  $wc.DownloadFile($FPath, $output)

  #write-host $FPath -ForegroundColor Green
  #write-host $output -ForegroundColor Yellow

  write-host $FileName " is downloaded.`n" -ForegroundColor Yellow

Path Restructuring/PFS Model Change Phase III Tournis John Severance Calc Estimator 10.12.12.xls Fin/Oracle Programs Freight Distribution allocation logic into GDW for Canada.xlsx Restructuring/US Ops Reorg RPA-2013-15 Restructuring Project Approval Form_OPS May 10 2013.xlsx Restructuring/IT Restructuring RPA-2013-14 Restructuring Project Approval Form_IT April 29 2013.xlsx Restructuring/Canada Call Center Restructuring Project Approval Form - March 18 2013.xlsx Restructuring/CAN Footprint Phase II Boulder Final DCF Model - March 18 2013.xls

I followed the below references to develop the code


Thursday, August 30, 2018

Language translator in JavaScript

Hi Folks,

I got a requirement to translate SharePoint list form to multiple languages. I tested with translating from English to Portuguese and German. We can add further languages later. I took use of the link to implement the translation. It is good but I faced issues in translating the text in buttons as for buttons, it is of 'input' type and we need to translate the values stored in those input controls. Also, I've to use a SharePoint list which will have the translations based on respective word in list form. So I've to make changes to the translate.js file referred in the above link to extend the functionality.

Please see below for original and translated form.
Original Form

Translated Form

The JavaScript written in the page is mentioned here:
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../SiteAssets/Scripts/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../SiteAssets/Scripts/jquery.translate.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../SiteAssets/Scripts/Dictionary.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

$(function() {

var text = $(this).text();
$(this).empty().append( $("<span></span>").addClass("trn").text(text) );
$(".js-category").find("select option").each(function(){
var text = $(this).text();
var text = $(this).text();
$(this).empty().append( $("<span></span>").addClass("trn").text(text));
var text = $(this).text();


The link suggested to add <span class="trn">Your_Text</span> to translate the text. It could able to translate the field labels but not the text which is generated dynamically in my SharePoint fields. So I had to add class to the td's and add JavaScript to add the span dynamically. Please check below.

The jquery.translate.js file referred externally is mentioned below.
 * @file jquery.translate.js
 * @brief jQuery plugin to translate text in the client side.
 * @author Manuel Fernandes
 * @site
 * @version 0.9
 * @license MIT license <>
 * translate.js is a jQuery plugin to translate text in the client side.

  $.fn.translate = function(options) {

    var that = this; //a reference to ourselves
    var settings = {
      css: "trn",
      lang: "en"/*,
      t: {
        "translate": {
          pt: "tradução",
          br: "tradução"
    settings = $.extend(settings, options || {});
    if (settings.css.lastIndexOf(".", 0) !== 0)   //doesn't start with '.'
      settings.css = "." + settings.css;
    var t = settings.t;

    //public methods
    this.lang = function(l) {
      if (l) {
        settings.lang = l;
        this.translate(settings);  //translate everything
      return settings.lang;

    this.get = function(index) {
      var res = index;
 var _l = settings.lang;
      try {
        //res = t[index][settings.lang]; //takes object
        for(var item in t[index]){ //takes array of objects
        if( t[index][item].hasOwnProperty(_l) ){ 
        res = t[index][item][_l];
      catch (err) {
        //not found, return index
        return index;
      if (res)
        return res;
        return index;

    this.g = this.get;

    this.find(settings.css).each(function(i) {
      var $this = $(this);

      var trn_key = $this.attr("data-trn-key");
      if (!trn_key) {
        trn_key = ($'input') && $this.attr('type')==='button') ? $this.val() : $this.html();
        $this.attr("data-trn-key", trn_key);   //store key for next time
if($'input') && $this.attr('type')==='button'){
return this;


For button, I had to modify the code with these steps.

This helped me to create a basic prototype for translation.

I created Dictionary.js to read translations from a SharePoint list and perform translation to the SharePoint list form.

var dict = '{';
var _t;
SP.SOD.executeFunc('sp.js', 'SP.ClientContext', RetrieveListItems);

function RetrieveListItems(){
var clientContext = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var oList = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle('Translation');
var caml = new SP.CamlQuery();
caml.set_viewXml("<View />");
listItemCollection = oList.getItems(caml);
clientContext.executeQueryAsync(onRequestSucceeded, onRequestFailed);

function onRequestSucceeded(){
var count = listItemCollection.get_count();
var listEnumerator = listItemCollection.getEnumerator();
var listItem = listEnumerator.get_current();
var key = listItem.get_item('Title');
var val = listItem.get_item('Value');
var ger = listItem.get_item('German');
//alert(key+' , '+val);
var item_dict = '"'+key+'":[{"pt":"'+val+'"},{"en":"'+key+'"},{"ge":"'+ger+'"}],';
dict = dict + item_dict;
dict = dict.substring(0, dict.length-1) + '}';
var newList = JSON.parse(dict);
_t = $('body').translate({t: newList});
 $(".lang_selector").click(function(ev) {
    var lang = $(this).attr("data-value");



function onRequestFailed(sender, args){
alert('Error: ' + args.get_message());

The new jQuery.translate.js takes an array of objects unlike the previous object as we couldn't able to create dynamic dictionary and had to create string array in specific format. Then we parse it as JSON and transferred the object array for translation.


Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Update multi-value lookup fields from source to destination lists.

Hi Folks,

I would like to share my experience on updating the multi-value lookup field values from source list to multi-value lookup field in destination list.
I tried several things but one thing is sure, we cannot achieve it using SharePoint 2013 workflow 'Update List item' step. I had to include SharePoint 2010 WF within SharePoint 2013 WF. Also, I need to keep current item's lookup field type as 'string' to make it work.

'Update IT Systems' is SharePoint 2010 WF which I started within SharePoint 2013 WF. Please see below.

It resolved my issue. The big part is none of the blogs in google have provided a working solution. So, I am writing this blog to save some lives :-).
